
Logistics activities concern the areas of production, supply, storage and distribution. They are exercised in industrial and commercial companies, but also in carriers, logistics service providers and in consulting companies. The graduate with a Bachelor's degree in Transport and Logistics can immediately join operational and management functions (vehicles, stocks of goods, warehouse locations), or administrative (follow-up of files), or even technical sales (assistance of a manager , customer management).


"• In charge of shipping, reception, operations, logistics platform • Responsible for logistics methods, purchasing and supplies, and stock • Platform and warehouse manager, • Project Manager, • Transport and fleet purchasing manager, • Import Export. • Customs declarant"

Target level of study

BAC +3


180 crédits


3 years

Training structure

Ingénierie des transports

List of subjects

Matière Enseignant(s)
Outils d'optimisation logistique Samira BOUZOUBIA
Indicateur de performance Logistiques SAKER Basma
Gestion des stocks BENHAMMA Fahima
Système d’information Logistique BOUSSALIA Seriel rayen
Emballage, étiquetage et Technique de traçabilité DJEKRIF Fatima
Application à la gestion et la création des entreprises AIB Abdelatif
Projet Encadré 2 BOUZERIA Hamza
Législation et Réglementation des Transports MESLEM
Communication dans un cadre professionnel SAKER Basma
Anglais Professionnel 4 Berrachdi Rania
Matière Enseignant(s)
Stage aide à la maitrise BOUZERIA Hamza
Projet de fin d'étude BOUZERIA Hamza


Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1 BP, 325 Route de Ain El Bey, Constantine, Algérie, 25017

Tel.: +213(0)31 81 12 71